Stuani spa
We are a components maker
specialized in air springs
for trucks and trailers made
by the main european and american manufacturers.
Production and Logistics
We ensure on time deliveries
of our products
thanks to an excellent management
of our supply chain activities.

General Management

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Our Products

End Closure
Plastic piston
Plastic piston
Plastic piston
Steel piston
Steel piston
plastic piston and cup for car
End Closure
Steel Plate
Housing for engine mounting
STUANI SPA Via Stephenson, 61 UFFICI: Via P.e M.Curie, 3 ( Fraz. Seguro) 20019 Settimo Milanese (MI)
C.F./ P.I./ REG. IMPRESE DI MILANO 06798480155 R.E.A. DI MILANO 1121560 CAPITALE SOCIALE i.v. Euro 550.000